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Image by Tyler Nix

The mission of Region IV Mental Health Services is to excel in providing quality community based services to enhance and empower people’s quality of life through a person centered and self -directed approach for children and adults.

Doing Together What We Cannot Do Alone

Our Mission

The mission of Region IV Mental Health Services is to excel in providing quality community based mental health services that enhance and empower people’s quality of life while focusing on their strengths, culture and personal needs for their road to recovery.

Uplifted Youth

Our Vision

Happy Family

Region IV envisions a community where people are empowered to drive their treatment with partners from quality services and supports provided by family, community, peers and professionals.  This empowerment will be initiated when…..


  • Access to services are equal

  • People feel they guide their plans

  • Services are welcoming

  • Cultural barriers are overcome

Our Philosophy

Region IV is committed to providing a comprehensive model of prevention, service, and support for adults and children with mental illness or emotional disturbance, alcohol/drug recovery needs, intellectual or developmental disabilities, or Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia. Region IV strives to provide service options that allow for access to the least restrictive and appropriate level of care and supports. Our agency focuses on strengths of people and their families, is person centered, and driven by the recipient. Region IV is committed to preventing or reducing the unnecessary use of inpatient or institutional services when a person’s needs are met with less intensive or least restrictive levels of care. This philosophy is based on the underlying notion that a person should be the primary force driving their care toward meeting their mental, emotional, and physical recovery and stability. People have meaningful involvement in service planning, decision making, implementation and evaluation of their recovery. Person-driven, family-centered, community-based models lead to successful outcomes.

Family Walking On the Beach

Service Areas

General Services

Crisis Services

Alcohol and Drug Services

NFusion Desoto

Adult Services

IDD Services

Children and Youth Services

Elderly Services

Region IV offers sliding fee scale discounts based on family size and income for services rendered.

Title VI

Region IV Mental Health Services assures that no person is excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination or retaliation under any program or activity undertake by the agency on the basis of race, color, or national origin, as protected by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, in Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Circular 4702.1B


Region IV does not discriminate or exclude from participation in services due to sex, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, inability to pay, or because of payer for services, including Medicare, Medicaid, or CHIP.


This link leads to the machine-readable files that are made available in response to the federal Transparency in Coverage Rule and includes negotiated service rates and out-of-network allowed amounts between health plans and healthcare providers. The machine readable files are formatted to allow researchers, regulators, and application developers to more easily access and analyze data. 

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662.286.9883 telephone

662.284.9836 fax

Emergency Services 

Region IV has staff available 24 hours a day to consult with individuals regarding problems after hours or on weekends.     

You can reach a staff person by calling     

1-888-287-4443. â€‹

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303 North Madison St.

Corinth, MS 38834

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